Topic of seminar “Conditions of economic activity of enterprises and entrepreneurship development in 2011” generated much interest of participants who asked many questions. They positively estimated efforts of business associations on development of business climate in Belarus.
This issue was uncovered by chairman of MUEE, chairman of presidium of ALE Belarusian confederation of entrepreneurship (BCE) Vladimir Karyagin. Participants supported the idea of preparation and admittance of National business platform-2011 (NBP) at the Assembly of business circles in March. Some of them offered their resources for dissemination of draft of NBP-2011. Reports of officials were dedicated to the issues of Decree #4 implementation. Vladimir Hlabordov told about it in a context of Belarusian economy liberalization. Other representatives told about new approaches in taxation, customs regulation and new mechanisms of control that will simplify entrepreneurship in Belarus. Participants spoke for development of dialogue between business and authority.
Together with it participants underlined necessity for business associations to participate actively in expertise of law drafts and preparation of legal acts in order to improve business climate in Belarus.